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Going to SuiteWorld 2020? Stop by and say hello to The Vested Group!

The Vested Group has been attending SuiteWorld for several years now and we always find a great deal of value at NetSuite's annual conference.  From informative keynote speeches and breakout sessions to networking with customers, potential customers, and NetSuite folks, SuiteWorld has something for everyone.

We are happy to announce that The Vested Group will be sponsoring SuiteWorld for the fourth year in a row! And, we are extra excited this year because we decided to mix things up a bit at our booth.

Stop by and see us at SuiteWorld!

NetSuite users attending SuiteWorld have a chance to sample what it would be like working with The Vested Group!

We will have several of our consultants on hand at our booth and you will have the opportunity to ask them your NetSuite questions, big or small, and we will provide you with answers, tips, how-to's, or walk-throughs right there on the spot!  We love a challenge, so come by with your toughest NetSuite questions!

Simply stop by any time the SuiteWorld Expo hall is open or give us a heads up by filling out the form below!

I'll see you at SuiteWorld!

Share your NetSuite questions with us here, or feel free to include any other information you'd like us to know!
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SuiteWorld online registration is available now. If needed, follow these step-by-step instructions on how to register for SuiteWorld.