Pretty much every organization you talk to these days will tell you what makes them different is their people. While most probably say this with the utmost sincerity – as do we! – The Vested Group has given a lot of thought to our differentiator and we are able to be a little more precise. Internally, we refer to The Vested Group as TVG and we’ve discovered what makes our people different is something we refer to as TVGenius.
What is your NetSuite superpower? Advanced Financials module.
What’s the most interesting project you’ve worked on and why? I’m working with an event marketing company that provides motivational coaching. I’ve gained exposure to inter-company and advanced revenue management.
What’s your favorite remote working life-hack? 5-minute walks throughout the day to stay sane.
Which one of The Vested Group’s Core Values speaks to you the most and why? ALL IN: I love that people have no problem helping and sharing knowledge.
Why should a potential client work with The Vested Group? We form a partnership with our counterparts. We accomplish this by over-communicating, enforcing accountability, and setting expectations.
The Vested Group
1001 18th Street
Plano, TX 75074
(972) 429-9025
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